Troy Allan

Making Monsters, Creating Creatures, Honest Humanity
Monster Voice Actor, Story Teller, Dungeon Master, Mathematician

All locally sourced, home grown, individually throated, devoid of electronic shenanigans

  • I’ve got a Studiobricks and also this other cool stuff!

    Microphone: Neumann TLM 103

    Preamp: Neve 1073 SPX

    Interface: Apollo Solo

    Programs: Source Connect Standard, Skype, Zoom, etc.

  • A lot of practice and dedication. An undying belief that this is what I love the most and am meant to do.

    Also, to get my range, I made a pact with an Elder Deity after a ritual sacrifice during the apex of the Dark Sun…it was a dark time in my life, literally.

    Mostly though, just practice and devoting myself wholly to the craft of acting and voice over…and Cthulhu…he also offers dental so…

  • Just about, yes! Only 5E at the moment. All ages (within reason) and up to 6 players. My rate is $18/hr per person for One-Off sessions. Due to the increased amount of preparation and commitment, for long standing campaigns my rate is $25/hr per person.

  • That’s a great question.

  • My hourglass collection. Though I’d argue it’s also the coolest thing I possess. I own them because they look awesome…possibly also a subconscious meta-commentary on the fragility of life and the sands of time in our lives trickling away. Who’s to say?

  • Yes. Now ask me another question or I will be forced to say ‘NI!’ again to you.

  • …I feel attacked and called out. Please venture to the next tab while I collect myself.

    Go to the next tab! GO! (Please)

NIs (Normal Inquiries)

Now that you’ve stopped here to take a gander at my resume on this aggressively white, plain background. Resume browsing!

Troy Allan’s Resplendent Resume

I’m a Los Angeles based voice actor with over a decade of improv, theater, accent, and creature voice work training. Being the gigantic nerd that I am, I got into voice acting through being a D&D Dungeon Master!

As a trained musical theater actor, it’s been my privilege to have played (almost) every Jesus and Judas role in theater (One day ‘Last Days of Judas Iscariot’…one day) among many others such as Tommy Wiseau in a stage production of ‘The Room’, Andrew Jackson in ‘Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson’, and Clarence in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life Radio Play’.

Much like this stock image of this fearsome owl, Harold, I’m a hoot, I’m nocturnal, and, most importantly, I make a myriad of mellifluous and bizarre sounds (only difference is that I get paid for it…sorry Harold)!

And to those who are interested enough to read all the way to this, the fabled fourth block of text - I’m also a professional mathematician, an actuary at Prudential. I’d say we’re friends now. Nice to meet you friend, let’s make some audio magic together ya?

Contact me today! 38% chance I answer in a non-american accent!

I live on a street you needn’t know,
in a city you needn’t know, somewhere in the US.

Now warm up next to this stock photo of a campfire, I made it just for you.